
Fun Halloween Breakfast Idea: Mummy Sandwich

Fun Halloween Breakfast for the Kids-Mummy Breakfast Sandwiches


  • Crescent Roll Dough (prepackaged)
  • Edible Eyes
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Cheese (your choice on type)
  • Ham or Bacon


Unroll your dough and place two pieces on a greased cookie sheet (so that they form a rectangle).

Using a pizza cutter, cut the edges on either side into strips-but don’t cut all the way through. Leave the center uncut.

Halloween Food Ideas

Top with your cheese, scrambled eggs and meat.

Easy Halloween Breakfast

Fold the strips in on each other.

Cute Breakfast for Halloween

Bake according to the instructions on your crescent roll dough.

Add the little eyes at the end. Use a tiny bit of syrup or Karo syrup to help them stick.
